The West Branch Lions Club is committed to making a difference in our community, both now and in the future. A club goal has been to identify and establish projects in the community that will have a long-lasting impact. Past projects the club has helped with include tennis courts at West Branch High School in the early 1980s, and assisting Eagle Scouts with creating and adding amenities to Lions Field in the early 2000s.
In 2024, the club met with various community leaders to identify potential projects. After much research and discussion, the club is in the process of building a four-court pickleball complex at Cubby Park. This project, while spearheaded by the Lions, will be a community project that will benefit all ages. In 2025, the West Branch Lions will be working on raising the estimated $125,000 needed to construct the complex through various efforts, including: working concessions at Carver Hawkeye Arena, hosting fundraising events in West Branch, applying for grants, continuing our Flags over West Branch program, and accepting private donations. We are thankful that the Community Foundation of Cedar County is working with us to make any donations tax deductible. In order to get credit, checks can be made payable to *********.

If you would like to donate, you can fill out the online form below, or you can mail a check (made payable to *******) to: West Branch Lions, PO Box 63, West Branch, IA 52358.